Video 81
76. Shanti Gita - Class 76 - chapter 7- verse 9
foreign [Music] [Music] Shanti oh Lord lead us from the unreal to the real lead us from Darkness to light lead us from death to immortality and never more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face home peace peace peace be unto us all today heavy subject but those will come in the middle and then go in the middle or to work for difficult so we have read the other day that is scriptures they say program that is called praganam and that is expressed in two ways Ananda and Brahma that is expressed verse number six Ananda and Brahma there is another name two other name is Ananda and Brahman now the question comes what is the is that right absolute knowledge that has been expressed in the verse number seven and eight so what it says Tata [Music] foreign [Music] by which but Consciousness is behind us by which we hear srinoti we know we see smell use test some food which is or something which is sweet or sour and the feelings Sita Krishna it is heat and cold that means all these are experienced by that that is called pragana by that consciousness which allows it brings the experience heat and cold good taste bad taste smell seeing hearing all the five senses and their corresponding objects how they get connected how object is there senses are here yes that connection may be external you see the object reflects in the eyeball it goes to the sense organ and to the brain that much is okay but their perception is not possible that's if I look like this and might think of something else I'll not see what is going on I am not here what is going on therefore mind is important but mind cannot see behind the mind is the intellect Intel it brings Association I see something I say it is called pillow how it is called pillow the Rays of light from the pillow comes falls in the retina reflected image goes to the sense perception to the brain physical this much is physical neurons are all activated there but this is all physical next comes the mind we don't see I cannot catch it and then mind mind also cannot decide anything he needs buddhi that means it is like the Google engine you put one word and Google engine just goes in a split second searching so lot under boom boom boom bring us all the result and here in our brain doing oh it looks like this the size is like this and this is this I have experienced that before so it matches with that matching Google engine search internally happening every day every moment and that is the buddhi buddhyasa tense it is called pillow but then then you also not knowledge itself is dull like this so Buddhism by something behind it that is the light of Consciousness that is called pragana that praganam that wisdom that that light of Eternal Light of the sachidananda self reflects on that pillow idea which Buddha presence so as a result then buddhis recognized it is recognized that is called pillow so they could no experience is possible unless the light of Consciousness reflects on that so that is it that caitanya arupam it is all the Vietnamese knowledge experience that is the caitanya that consciousness it manifests as the knowledge because that is the foundation of all experiences all knowledge all action it is it cannot be indicated like this this is this what is called unchangeable and courage to me is also a foundation which Remains the Same all the time that has been who says this and the upanishads say these words to indicate that consciousness they use the word caitanya pure Consciousness upanishad says this knowledge this with this light all aksham which cannot be indicated by any direction and could strong the unchangeable absolute that has been indicated and that is the program so this has been beautifully described the what is programming then also now rate nine bars will be going to describe out of little analytically trying to understand this experience what I have just mentioned so 9 verse says today's reading foreign [Music] foreign caitanya is consciousness it is everywhere but here it is buddhi about China my buddhi an intellect grass the pillar pillow that pillow is is only a small limited object when it creates the image in my buddhi that means the image goes from here to the eyeball to the nervous system to brain to mind and mind then calling upon the intellect to specific object this is buddhi is infinity has no barrier like space is infinite but you put a piece of pizza or a glass in the space of the glass Spacey space has no division but our children is limited you limit the space within the glass the glass space we say oh this table is taking too much space actually you cannot divide the space the stable has come here space has nothing to do with space space but we say table has taken this space you remove it oh that space is available now so it is all our misconception it is our children's limitation the concept of limited space is in the Infinite Space similarly infinite consciousness in that a concept of a pillow a concept of any object which my buddhi can conceive that comes first and that chaitanya that Consciousness been reflected on it means mental modification let us go to patanjali express every little bit then we'll understand that what happens when the Ripple comes in the in the mine Lake and the Sun's light fall on that suppose then you can say it is a wave so one is the wave wave is coming out of the mental modification this is called mental modification so many objects are there my mind takes a modification of the shape of the iPad or this of the table of this of this book when it takes their false reflection of the Consciousness uninterrupted Consciousness everywhere gets Limited and in our mind I am looking at you actually what is happening what is there I do not know is all experience is happening here according to this that the the impression what my buddhi is creating in my brain not brain behind the brain what is creating that that is my perception about the world that's my knowledge about the world I saw I saw does not mean exactly what is there what you saw in your brain has shown you that's why you say oh I got confused I saw him but he he said he didn't come here someone came looking like him that means that conception what I have in my buddhi in the mind like a British wave comes of a form of say Rama or Krishna or ramakrishna so that wave when it comes the light of Consciousness is always there it reflected unlimited light into a limited light and the Britney drops and we get the knowledge we say then we recognize that it is called that's the British concept of britti so Buddhism when buddhi or intellect limits that Consciousness infinite consciousness and the chitta becomes wavy in the wave then we say it is oh it is Rama oh it is John oh it is the table oh it is the clock all these limited knowledge is happening with the British of the Mind One Britney Rises and when the light flashes on them that bridge stops we get the knowledge of that then again another Victory we look like you see everything it's all image so many images are happening in my mind and waves at rapes and waves are happening so one wave goes another wave comes another wave comes another that's our perception but it is consciousness is everywhere but it's focused on the British just think that in the way there are car motion think about the car motion and there is one wave and on that wave the Sun's light falls on that so you see one wave but there are many waves limited unlimited waves you see here and you turn your eyes you see waves and waves and waves and waves but that wave is gone this wave arises this way is gone that comes so whenever the wave Falls the Consciousness reflected on that immediately reveals us the knowledge the mental modification knowledge arising because of the Britney of the modification of the Mind when it happens then you call ganous that is called the knowledge by that we understand there is something there is some Consciousness otherwise how it illumines if there is light there comes the light that's why we pray lead us from the unreal to real the rest from Darkness to light this Darkness Oneness to light when light reflects then see the room is here when the light is not there the objects are here but deep dark so we do not we cannot separate table from their pews from that microphone to the clock to the chandelier we cannot do that when Consciousness reflects on certain object then that knowledge of particular knowledge of that object reveals to us so that is called the British by the proof of this what is called the British limited limiting uh wave of the Mind when it identifies with the object the pillow and the knowledge of the pillow when they add good together then we get the perfect knowledge that it is called this gets dissolved then what remains that knowledge is called the knowledge of consciousness [Music] to a awaken that Consciousness we call Knowledge anyhow the main thing is what is describing here that you need a British to understand anything we understand anything in the world of reality that a mind should make a modification and whatever modification it is taking it carries to the mind and mind cannot recognize buddhi has an album so he has his all collection that says buddhi is the assertive ascertaining part of the Mind buddhi confuses mind confuses is it this is it that is it that buddhi confirms as I said just now there's that that engine that that search engine as soon as mind presses the subject to the buddhi Buddha immediately start searching and from his old infinite number of collection he tries to match what is this experience now I am saying and that matches with the previous photograph and when it matches then immediately the knowledge falls on the wave and we say oh this is Rama this is Jesus this is John so this immediate knowledge Comes This is called the British very uh it's a good subject to meditate upon is only the Consciousness sunlight is everywhere when there is no British you have in a specific knowledge of wave understand this point when listen when there is no wave suppose on the ocean there is no wave you can say it is ocean that much you cannot have the concept of bubble Ripple web form no but now think it is wave it is Ripple it is bubble so when my attention goes to wave what happens immediately it happens in Split Second such like in the modern our or the computer you just sit one word and see the immediate result where it is that it calls from that book and that place and this and that Hindi English Sanskrit Tamil Telugu language this language that language where it gets it immediately calls quickly it's our brain God has created that way this engine has been created much earlier so what happens when you see the bubble Ripple but my focus is on the bubble they immediately Split Second it runs to the eyeball to the brain and to the mind and buddhi immediately collecting all the information from his old stock and he matches immediately oh this matches with my previous album so this figure this bubble I have seen before and it is called Bubble and then immediately the knowledge Dawns in US and then we check and our our how much knowledge we are having every Split Second uh looking at any object every moment there is so much of knowledge but how it is knowledge is happening because the light of Consciousness is falling everywhere when it's specifically one way you get we call knowledge we call knowledge of physics knowledge of chemistry when you are focusing on one subject and the ability happens there the what is called The Wave are formed arises in the lake of mind okay and then the light falls and then you match with the old stock and then definition of the object comes and then the bishti is not important anymore I can understand I say oh I have seen this object so the knowledge is coming because of the Britain Brahma Ghana is understand britti I think don't understand anything in the first time is the first time this is a very heavy subject then you can understand this point that means innumerable knowledge of small things nobody that's why they say a scripture say when we are thinking of God what happens look at that eyes are closed her mind is running to the subject that object and how do you know it has run into object you see there is an image in your mind you think of New York you think of New Jersey you think of India you think of uh whatever friend you think of your office so it is happening in your mind it's called British now you are meditating on on say no no no it is nothing I will think of ramakrishna ramakrishna ramakrishna ramakrishna you try to do that create that bitty of ramakrishna so what happens if it is concentrated focus on more and more mind moves towards that one britti will remain mind will not create Thousand Waves thousand thoughts and that is called brah foreign and the whole heart the whole concept is saturated with one wave of ramakrishna and when that is Flash of light comes then they call they attain to the knowledge of Brahman and the absolute or in the form you have the vision or experience whatever so main thing how it is happening there is some Consciousness behind that light of Consciousness falls on the British in the lake of your mind imagine in your heart there is a lake and that lake is a mind Lake and in that there are waves innumerable waves and levels no so that is the light flashing on that gives you the experience of that object so but we have to understand it is the only Consciousness the light of Consciousness and that light is called the praganum all become one one British ramakrishna another which is another all will melt into one idea because you are in darkness subside suppose here the light is there I understand everything light of course but is covered by ignorance again whenever you are getting into bitty even bitty when you the beauty does not arrange that is and one British satigo and transcending that satigo is what is called knowledge stages of development probably so anyway not to get into too much Buddhism anyhow we have simplified that in our own language now just imagine that you are sitting on the on the beach and watching the infinite number of waves and ripples and forms and so you are focusing on one side you see one way you focusing on the other side another way you know this is separate this is separate it's Split Second it is giving you an idea it is a huge Wave It's a small Wave It's a mediocre it is bubble it is Ripple because each knowledge but what is this thing what allows you to understand the sunlight in the pitch dark sunlight a night you cannot understand the position of the Waves ripples bubbles so similarly when here we are embedded in negronis we don't understand anything that happens in the susupti state deep sleep state we are talking about in this awakened State and in this awaken State all the things we see they are different from each other how do we know different my knowledge says it is table is different from the floor how my perception how the perception is happening happening of the British is illumined by the knowledge of Brahman who is all the time foreign in another technical term so but this diversity will dissolve when we see that it is all these British are only in buddhi is the Buddha it is happening in the buddhi is happening in your mind only exactly what is outside we do not know that's why so much confusion we live in you say some word I hear something else no and then I go on fighting with it you said that why did you say that but I didn't say that no I heard you heard that but you have added something to it or subtracted something from it and that message has come to the eardrum and it went to the many brain and to the mind and my buddhi immediately collected some information from the backside and then light up the Consciousness just thrust on it ah how could you say that and then you go down angry or sweet or Sour Whatever experience comes foreign I have no perception at all so there is something in the waking State and in the dream state these are happening that's in the dream state also some success written is working there otherwise you cannot see the dream world and with eyes open what are you seeing it is the object Brittany arising in album inside album photograph album and millions of billions or trillions of storage house and that brings immediately Sparks here inside and creates a wave in my mind like and that is lillumin by the Consciousness and I get one bit in Split Second I say this is this now so ninth verse the English translation will be like this the consciousness that is limited by the intellect when mounted upon mental modification they see that's why it is very technical book technical area the Consciousness Consciousness is everywhere but Consciousness limited by the intellect my intellect should grab it external object image in the eyeball going back to the nervous system brain brain to the Mind mind to the intellect you should come to the intellect and I of course intelligence my ego is also there that's why I understand the Consciousness when it is limited by the intellect in infinite Consciousness but my mind my intellect is limited with the consciousness of particular object modification it comes everything comes in the mind then what happens is named as knowledge I know this wave I know this is called the floor this is called the photograph this is called the clock as I'm looking instantly it is happening that bitty lighted by the light of consciousness and that is called the knowledge our secular knowledge and then revelation of Consciousness happens through this process and then we will it reveals to us who I know that I know it is called the uh this object now 10 and 11 verse already [Music] [Applause] when mental modification now now my mental modification the Britain major mind got identified with the same subjects it can relate with the object what is there and here connect with the that is called the true valid knowledge then the result is the mental modification of the sense objects become one with the Consciousness then they I know that knowledge comes then when this object and my perception inside matches together then we call I know before that I don't know I am confused what is this object but when it comes to the inner level of our heart in the Chitto and that Britney arises and British enlighted by the light of consciousness and then it is two can be related then we call this is my knowledge about this I know I saw it my eyes I touch it by my hand all the five sense organs information does not come only Through The Eyes I touch it this information oh it is hard huh you you drink something sweet oh it is sweet how do you know tongue is carrying the sensation to the brain all the five sense organs each are connected with the perception in physical body through the nervous system to the brain but that brain information is given to the mind of the five experiences either seeing citing sight hearing testing touching and all these things yeah and then each can bring my experience about the objective world when this objective world and my perception matches together that is the first number 11 when the mental modification get identified with the sense objects through the valid knowledge valid knowledge by direct experience I see it I hear it I touch it I test it I smell it then the result of that mental modification of the sense objects become one with the consciousness my awareness become one with that and they say I have experienced I have seen it I have thought it I have touched it and the dissolution of the mental modification now the mental wave has risen and another wave is coming so this must go so when the one mental modification goes away it is revealed that the knowledge is verily the Consciousness when that goes away then you know it is only the son of knowledge which has given you the experience that means all our experiences behind all experiences is the light of the Consciousness is falling upon it and how we are only giving a name to that experience to make one understand that it is consciousness it is described by the word knowledge so to understand that it is consciousness to make understand let us understand I know this this Consciousness it is described by the word knowledge this is my knowledge I have acquired knowledge by studying this by seeing this by hearing about this when you say when bittis go knowledge remains now you are not you are not seeing you have not seen the you are not seeing this ocean but I am saying ocean it is creating some Britain in your mind the knowledge remains there and then the immutable cutest Consciousness limited by the intellect and mind when it creates a generous those very knowledge to the senses described as the knowledge of the hair now 12 verse I have read it wave of the Ripple in my heart is here now light reflects and it collects all the information I say it is this object table object it is chair object and then what happens this wave drops away because my mind moves into another subject again how many things we are seeing so but this when the wave subsides that remains in us as knowledge I saw someone standing there how do you say that that man is gone when he saw that image of the person came and your mind has perceived it and transferred to the buddhi and intellect intellect found from the old stock this is called John the John C Miss came and you saw that and you came away another image came another image came another image now I am seeing I saw John there how do you say that because the knowledge remains in the mind itself okay with the dropping of the wave the experience does not end it remains in the chitta that is called the sanskar it creates sanskaro afterwards that knowledge is nothing but Consciousness even [Music] to awaken this caitanya people talk about it is called knowledge 12th verse I foreign [Music] foreign so 12 verse says whatever you see whatever you see whatever you hear somebody there itself there is consciousness you cannot see anything without that light of Consciousness you cannot hear anything without that light of Consciousness otherwise your perception will be invalid you'll be in the darkness there will be object in this room will be there object will be here deep pitch dark we don't see anything we cannot make any distinction when you are making any distinction it is not the absolute gain with the game is this cause Light Of Consciousness falling upon the mental modification what is as it is a very many beautiful subject to think about what you see is not important what you'd be mental modification is created inside that you see a psychiatric patients what they see they see so many things which other person standing there they don't see a ghost is standing there I saw that who that man was coming there I saw it his string in the mind all our perception in the mind but when mind perception of the mind and the object matches together then we call Knowledge valid knowledge understand I may imagine something which does not tell you with the objective Universe it is not valid knowledge it is there a hallucination why hallucination because your own perception in your brain what is happening in the chitta whatever you are creating that does not match with the object outside when they match together that is called British that is called the knowledge that's called the valid knowledge but when bitti Gan is something different from external object then it is called confusion it's called hallucination that's why even when people have some Mystic vision Ordinary People don't understand so there is a confusion people think that it is hallucination that ramakrishna is to say is it Ma it is all Hallucination is it's all it's true or I am just hallucinating because it's not matching with the perception of others are saying that mahakali is standing on the baranda of the mark Temple Kali Temple and watching the flow of the Ganga but other people are standing there do they see no then your perception is wrong it's not valid knowledge it is in a matching with what is seen outside there is no mother Kali no no girl they are standing you know blank baranda nah that is something higher level but in material Level if it does not match you only say I don't see and no one sees that then it is hallucination should match with the object outside then it is called knowledge all secular knowledge these are all secular knowledge see no see that's why it is said whatever you hear whatever you see whatever you see they are there itself some bit the Consciousness this light of Consciousness superlative Consciousness that absolute Consciousness is there it is it is all permeated and permitted mahati it is revealing itself and and wherever it is reveals the objects it falls on this subject you see it is the pot falls on this subject it is the pillow falls on this subject it is a chair it falls on this subject it is the lamp it is the clock it is whatever a person or so it is that is the distinction so we don't see anything without the light of Consciousness that's the very vedanta philosophy is coming here this analysis is proving that you don't see anything but God why without the reflection of the infinite Consciousness you can't see anything your secular knowledge is impossible your material knowledge is impossible you can have no knowledge even there is the way we understand the knowledge of knowledge is what separating one thing from the object another thing a child is what we call this he he does not have any knowledge why for him his child you give a toy and give something to eat it is all the same he will put this into mouth this in the mouth here for him there is no distinction he said this is the Oneness that's why we teach our children this is the nose he has no concept what he knows what is here he has no idea is nothing if we are giving we say oh this boy is learning very fast means what he's learning how to discriminate from one object to the other object quickly quickly quickly when people get dementia that is lost [Music] cat who then the cat was eating the potatoes yeah because dementia so the brain is not functioning there that's why that that's why we call slow learning you know some children we call this means what we haven't used that word anymore you don't use that word anymore you don't say I don't say it no what do you say I think [Music] uh challenge that means whatever the sweet language but point is that they cannot recognize like other boys they cannot discriminate separate out one thing from the other that is the point it's challenged because of some obstacle it is challenged there's a sweet language but to understand the fact their their understanding and their quick learning is not as good as normal when it is when it becomes normal they say it has improved much medicine but anyhow we understand there are extraordinary brilliant really brilliant students who are brilliant student said Vivekananda is brilliant he can read this book in a whole night turning the pages the book is read he can understand each reading line and its meaning and keep separate knowledge in the knowledge quota in his he he can remember after so many years and quote Pages separate pages was like that yes in such a way sometimes she starts one line of complete towards any point and maybe one page he continuously quotes exactly the same what is in there so they are called the knowledgeable person more knowledgeable and more intelligent no it's those who can distinguish things and know the details of each object but ramakrishna says this is good for the worldly success no but spiritual success there knowing many all separate is called ignorance when they know that all is permitted by one Consciousness we are talking everything this is the study of the Consciousness we call Consciousness studies no this is when one sees the one Consciousness is the cause of all perception then you are reaching towards that Oneness that is called the Brahma Gana knowledge of yourself okay let me in English read and read the English 12 words so in whatever why when a whatever you hear and see there is this unsurpassed consciousness with uninterrupted continuity Consciousness never sleeps Consciousness there is no interruption in Consciousness all the time light of conscious even to understand I don't understand no see that is a proof proof is that Asha Consciousness is working now I understand Consciousness is working in this dream I understand but where is consciousness when I sleep do you have any consciousness what in deep Sleep do you have any consciousness how how you are not aware of them but afterwards that means that means that is the proof and back calculation because we we cannot do it that then that's the point you can have aware even the awareness that you slept that means Darkness has been experienced by somebody you say I do not know anything in my deep sleep no last night I slept so deeply I do not know when you knocked my door I do not know it it rained no we sometimes say that one is how do you know you do not know not not knowing is also knowledge to know it is not that also you need some light it's a very deep subject Consciousness did one part of their mind remains aware all the time we hear whether they sleep whether they eat whether they go part they are always aware of their Divinity that must be means but for us we totally sleep and sleep but when you come out of the sleep I say I slept well I did not know anything to say I do not know anything you are talking no all knowledge you are talking about knowledge I know that I do not know is it not I know that I do not know so to not know I know that means that Consciousness is the same Shining deep sleep a dream and in waking State all the time it is there that's the point that one it is uninterrupted continuity it's science being the Illuminator of all those experiences okay now we can have some question or five minutes ten minutes are there so we we end in the verse number 12 to but is the heavy subject you can contemplate over it how the experience happens how our knowledge happens about the object knowledge means knowledge of the object of the world and knowledge of God also happened the same way our meditation also can be explained in this way first many waves many waves to one wave and one wave to absolutely no way what tomorrow gospel that's okay thank you so tomorrow will be our gospel class hello Nishant how are you drama is it possible to distinguish chitta Castle from chidaka so in waking state or is it only possible in need because of samadhi ah ITA so you can understand means the space this is called the mahakasu this space my hand is moving in the space no this space is called mahakasa then another place and not this place when you meditate and you go into a different Realm that is in your mind that space is created that's called the chitta castle and go beyond mine that is called the chiraka so you are not merging but you feel that it is the conscious world of consciousness and transcend that that is called the need Akash food space idea between the vedanta we live in the mahakas we ordinary people live in the Great Space where sun moon stars all our satellites are going we are taking images of those huh this is all in the Great Space physical space there is a subtle space You Close Your Eyes such a space you can understand suppose in your dream your eyes are closed you are living in the Great Space your body is lying in the Great Space yourself sleeping or you are in your imagination world when you roam in your imagination world you are sleeping closing your eyes and thinking something it's a master world when you dream what do you dream if your dream is really visible to us then we would have said that is in happening in the mahakasa but it is happening in here Castle is so big and they don't fight with each other suppose if 20 people sleep here in this room and 20 people are dreaming someone is the Amazon forest someone may be in New York City someone may be some place in Mars somebody has purchased the land in the Moon so those place maybe you can see but they are not fighting with each other and that's a big space greater than mahakasam so that's called the chitta castle the mind mind means mind buddhi intellect ego the four called chitta manobundi these are four called chitta and the space is called also now your mind becomes very finer and you start seeing some Divine space huh we are thinking of the space for Krishna Krishna Krishna loka ramakrishna [Music] Buddhist World buddhir Buddhism so this is in a not in the gross not in the subtle but it is going into another level of consciousness and that is called the ocean of consciousness only Consciousness that's a Swami Vivekananda has described you can read his very beautiful song so of Oneness where there is no sound there is no moon like that he says and last is there's flows only a realm of ego and that eye level when it goes there is so that is the need we call for samadhi so this space is divided in this way so it can be experienced in a waking State yes maybe for brahmagani foreign in the mental space of our imagination and a dream they are called chittagasha and transcending that when you remain in the god Consciousness only one awareness remains you have not merged with the Brahman but you have still awareness of Separation but that is only living in the cosmic consciousness you are there Consciousness is all there is also there little stress of ego is still there that is called the chittag also means Consciousness I can't swim in this space connected with the Consciousness and there is the last state you cannot say it is any space at all it is called nirak also now second question when I experience that itself is a British right yes of course in this experience of this great space it is all my knowledge is whatever my mental modification I see and I create a mental modification in my mind then do I say that is yeah you can say yes in my mind this is my mind I see the mahakash it is in my mind otherwise how can he understand it is a a externally there then is it upon the Consciousness everything Sprouts from the consciousness so yes don't confuse all these things only understand transcendental State Beyond body mind or mahakasu these are all become possible because chit Consciousness is behind that Marcus is revealed for what this Maha great space is revealed by one that Consciousness in me dead body does not see this space we see because there is consciousness behind so Consciousness is substratum of all these different space idea and when one goes to the fourth state niraka so their mind dies ego dies so who will say what they cannot say that's that's another question SRI ramakrishna had mentioned to holy mother that he will reincarnate after 100 years so has that happened do you monks know but keeping it a secret at least I do not know I am not hard I do not know yes God if God comes she said 100 years some say 200 years and this corner that corner and that corner is a big place no if I say not this corner go not this corner from here through the globe go down to the other sphere and come back everywhere there is a possibility where he will be born who knows anyhow we don't we don't have to think about that rather we should think it is enough that ramakrishna came he lived the life and the Blazing life is here before us and let us follow his footsteps and make us make our life bright and brilliant and we do not know about at least I have not heard that ramakrishna is born yes there was one ramakrishna born it is about three four miles away it's called and the boy was born with a little beard like ramakrishna and then they become a subject of Attraction but who Calcutta people are all rushing at their home every day to see ramakrishna I do not know what happened to that ramakrishna now I say anyhow we do not another question why does the body temperature rise and get so warm during Japan meditation body temperature rises and gets too much don't think I think I do not know you talk to your Guru when you think of meditate on God where which part of your body you think of God you know heart chakra or in your head chakra or wherever I do not know so that is the body becomes warmed I do not know maybe you are thinking in a very high level in the head chakra or ground chakra or foreign [Music] abrupt change is not good and the another Bengali question has come with the all these place the play of the Divine you can say Divine mother's play yes you are a mother worshiper you can see it is on mother's play foreign name whatever you like these are all play and go beyond play there is absolute peace another question what is the significance of the tradition of Tantra in vedantic teaching is called the book of practice and vedanta is called the book of philosophy uh philosophy vedanta says there is absolute War everywhere and how to reach that process that Tantra teaches that process of Savanna and that's why the practice of yoga or all this are there so it is correlation it is not contradictory Tantra means but to understand Tantra means seeing mother Divine everywhere that means the expression of the Divine Consciousness everyone expression of the Divine Consciousness everything is an expression and vedanta teaches that that expression is Brahman but Brahman cannot manifest so when it manifests you have to say it is Shakti you are sitting you are even a musician I don't hear your music now but when you through your voice then I see that you are there at the same time Pisces but some music is also is an audit audio audible so that is the point two things go together so it is not contradictory so when you see the expression We call mahashati we call Divine mother and when we see or in the term we are reading today it's called British knowledge with the British ripples yeah and and ultimately British is not the end of this will be all britti all modification will be one British and that britti will drop and that Brittany will be with their Brahman you remember the knowledge of Brahman will remain then anyhow so thank you all for so many questions and all questions are not to be even explained longer time and there are subtle things are there our practice we should emphasize on our practice and all these questions will be easy to solve when we practice more and by God's grace mind will be pure and it will be able to catch the inner Spirit of it okay so thank you all see you tomorrow again Our Gospel class at 7 30. P.M [Music] um that's what Shri ramakrishna Panama